Apex Web Gaming: Games starting with L

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A free online game where we give you $100,000 in pretend money to bet on the outcome of current events. The player who best predicts the future will win $100 cash.

5 votes this week 5 visits this week | Sim

Dedicated Server with server OS. Upgradable + backup server ready for when population grows

4 votes this week 4 visits this week

Mid-Rate Fair No GM members or friends f around in game. Good client and free to play.

6 votes this week 6 visits this week | MMORPG Generic

Lineage Free - 24 Horas online. Venha Para o Lineage 2 Brasil cadastre se agora. Jogue no melhor Lineage 2 do Brasil Gratis

4 votes this week 4 visits this week | Servers and Other

Londinivm is a RPG set in ancient Roman ruled London. Londinivm is a free game played on any web browser, with no downloads. For those looking for more of a community atmosphere, Londinivm is a wonderful friendly community with active forums and chat.

4 votes this week 4 visits this week | RPG

Mafia Criminal is mafia based rpg. Raise you stats,money,points and become top mobster. Attack mug and out do other mobsters. Ak47,Ar15 and more!!!

4 votes this week 4 visits this week | RPG

Lords  - Free online browser MMO

Free browser based massive multiplayer online strategyMMORPG game in medieval times designed for people who dont have much time to play

5 votes this week 5 visits this week | Action

A completely different text based RPG. Build your character. Build your reputation. Demand respect. The city is your playground.

4 votes this week 4 visits this week | RPG

Go from being abandonded on a sidewalk to owning a complete country. Becareful about other gangstas roamin' the streets. It's either jump or be jumped. The objective is to become the strongest, fastest, smartest, richest, and most powerful player in the

3 votes this week 3 visits this week | RPG

Take the role of a pilot in a post-apocalyptic Earth where you will outfit your mechs with hundreds of unique weapons and armor. You can explore the wastelands of Tanarus or the Dragon's Lair in post-nuclear London, fighting monsters and gaining exp. ...

5 votes this week 5 visits this week | RPG