Apex Web Gaming: Games starting with A
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Given a meager sum of money, on the fringe of the interstellar civilization, you are about to compete against other players in cyberspace while trying to create your own stellar empire. The road to greatness is fraught with danger! Supernova, wormholes
▲ 2 votes this week ▼ 2 visits this week | Strategy
More an online virtual world than a multi-user-dungeon (MUD), we plan to become an online interactive novel, where people from across the world will animate the characters and form the plotlines. Philosophy: Enabling the playerbase to have more freed...
▲ 2 votes this week ▼ 2 visits this week | MUD
The Sorcerer Game is a cool and action puzzle game. Its an improved version like Tower Defense or Candy Crush game. A player has to fit 3 balls of the same color within a time limit.
▲ 2 votes this week ▼ 2 visits this week | Action
Can you take over the world and become the biggest ruler the world have ever known?
▲ 2 votes this week ▼ 2 visits this week | Mafia
Adopt free virtual pets at Chicken Smoothie! You can sign up for a free account to save your pets in, or if you like you can adopt pets without creating an account. Unlike some other websites, you don't need to click on your pets to make them grow up, ...
▲ 1 votes this week ▼ 1 visits this week | Virtual Pets
Adopt a free virtual pet. Choose from a dog, cat, turtle, horse, goldfish, hampster, snake, bird, and more.
▲ 2 votes this week ▼ 2 visits this week | Virtual Pets
Get your Adrenaline pumping in this highly addictive third person 3D shooter. Blast your way through hordes of monsters to prepare the Konstrukt Invasion. Graphics and game play like you have never seen before in a web game!
▲ 2 votes this week ▼ 2 visits this week | Action
Aeipathy Mafia, a text based MMORPG. Rise up the ranks of the criminal underworld and make vast amounts of cash to spend on in-game items, make sure you don't mess with the wrong people. You could have your home burned down or even worse you could be p...
▲ 3 votes this week ▼ 3 visits this week | Mafia
Aevum Obscurum is a free online turn-based multiplayer strategy game. You will have to take control of an empire at the beginning of the 14th century, Earth. Your strategy is to have absolut control within the next years to come.
▲ 3 votes this week ▼ 3 visits this week | Strategy
What would life be like as a spy Join Ag3nts.com to become a secret agent and build up your empire - secretly, and underground. This massive multiplayer online game gives you the chance to complete against other agents and become the best around
▲ 3 votes this week ▼ 3 visits this week | MMORPG Generic
Fastest Private Agar.io Servers If you want to play Agar.io game without freezes or lags, try our servers. Fast & secure private servers for Agar.io gamers.
▲ 3 votes this week ▼ 3 visits this week | Gaming News Websites
Wenn Sie Agar.io privaten Wild ohne friert oder Lags spielen wollen, versuchen Sie unseren Servern. Fast & sicheres Deutschland Private Server f�r Agar.io Spieler.
▲ 2 votes this week ▼ 2 visits this week | Servers and Other
Fastest Private Agar.io Servers If you want to play Agar.io game without freezes or log,try our servers.Fast & Secure private servers for Agar.io
▲ 2 votes this week ▼ 2 visits this week | Action
Latest Update Working Agario Private Server , Agario Pvp , Agario Unblocked, Agar.io Private Server Mod and Agario private servers.
▲ 3 votes this week ▼ 3 visits this week | Action
Age of Chaos is a complex strategy game with many options and possibilities. The King has died leaving no heir. You as a lord of a small province set out to claim the throne by building the great Royal Palace a feat only a true king could accomplish. ...
▲ 2 votes this week ▼ 2 visits this week | Strategy